Interview Questions for Lura
What is your book about?
The book is about one young woman’s struggle to understand, overcome, and manage the challenges associated with her growing company.
Why did you write it?
I wanted to authentically bridge the gap between a business owner living her life while growing her business. Also, I wrote this book to illuminate the power of core values and how caring leadership influences the wellbeing and performance of both the employee and the enterprise.
What makes it different from other business books?
The business fiction genre is typically soft on story and long on traditional business concepts. I focused on developing strong characters in a compelling story with distinctive business concepts. Ultimately, this book speaks to the reader about innovative business growth management methods not found anywhere else through the everyday language of a business mystery novel.
What’s the most unique concept you promote?
The most unique concept in the book is the idea that a business enterprise is a living, intelligent entity that is best served by fusing the core values into the Six Domains of Life, a goal-setting strategy. This promotes the wellbeing of the employee to thrive, as the company, in turn, lives vibrantly through the employee’s commitment to it.
What are the key lessons in the book?
The book helps business owners and executive leaders 1) understand the unlikely elements that influence increased profitability, 2) understand the underpinnings of healthy morale and employee buy in, 3) learn how to swiftly navigate opportunity and risk, 4) confidently transition between the Stages of Growth – unlocking the Core Intelligence of their enterprise, and 5) promote wellbeing and enterprise performance by engaging the core values.
How did you come up with them?
My husband chiefly championed the first four and me the last one. We have worked for 23 years with over 1000 CEOs of small- to medium-sized growth enterprises. Certain common patterns surfaced that revealed the core lessons of the book.
Why did you write a mystery?
I was inspired by my husband’s business novel, Logan’s Run (Navigating the Growth Curve), and know firsthand the power of stories in our lives to transport and transform us.
How do companies know where they are in the growth curve?
It is very simple: Based on the number of full-time employees a company has will determine the stage of growth the company is in and, subsequently, the unique rules its leadership needs to adhere to.
What is the most common mistake a CEO makes?
The most common mistake made by any CEO of a growing company is to look at their company as though it were a machine and the people in it as though they were exchangeable parts.
Who would benefit from this book?
Any business leader who is open-minded, curious, and enjoys learning new business ideas embedded in a fictional story.
Discuss this new paradigm for business that you talk about in your book.
This book presents the idea that by radically focusing on core values, a company acts like a “strange attractor.” It transforms business issues, challenges, solutions and principles to exemplify those core values.
What does a company need to do to ensure that it’s profitable?
The most important thing is how to fully understand the components of both making money (Gross Profit=Revenue-Cost of Goods) and keeping money (Net Profit=Gross Profit – Sales/Mktg and G+A). 70% of a CEO’s time should be spent on the art of Making Money and 30% of the time should be spent on the art of Keeping Money.
Where can our listeners (readers) find BUZZ: Engaging The Soul Of A Small Business?
They can find it on For more information, go to
Why did you self-publish?
I decided to self publish in order to get the book into the hands of my targeted audience.
There’s a huge failure rate in small to mid-size businesses. What percentage of companies practicing the business principles in the book could be saved?
It is my humble opinion that given all things are equal, regarding the workable degree of customer interest in the product/service offering, over 30% of all companies that currently fail would survive and flourish using our methods.
Give us an example of a company that was saved by integrating your business principles into their business process
There is a company in Boulder that is in the water bottling business. They were growing very fast, had a challenging level of employee turnover, and were losing their connection with their staff, resulting in significant threats to the company’s profitability and health. They engaged both the Stage of Growth model, as well as instituted a core value’s community workplace, to see significant improvement in less than six months. They have integrated core values applications into the company culture to such an extent they are now sustaining employee wellbeing.
What other business author comes closest to the lessons in your book?
My husband’s book is, without a doubt, the most similarly aligned with my own. Margaret Wheatley’s work and research, regarding the intelligence of an organization and how it creates a healthy company, comes closet to our approach. Two other sources are Dave Logan’s Tribal Leadership and Michael O’Malley’s The Wisdom of Bees.
Where could a person find out more?
An interested person could go to my website: for information, free downloads and assessments. I will embed a link to James Fischer’s new site (under construction) where you can become more informed about our work; also see what events are upcoming in the next month.
Which business exec do you admire most?
I admire any business leader who is willing to learn from their mistakes and take appropriate risks to infuse her or his enterprise with vitality, genius and heart!
On a personal note, which teacher most inspired you growing up?
Mr. Hunt, my sixth grade Social Studies teacher, at Todd Elementary (Briarcliff Manor, N.Y.). He challenged us to explore political frontiers, geographical boundaries and, occasionally, artistic expression. One day he had us queue up to the blackboard to look at a photograph of Van Eyck’s The Arnolfini Portrait of a 1434 marriage. He asked us to identify the presence of the miraculous in the painting.
The moment captured my imagination and I made a vow then and there to always discern the presence of the miraculous as I journeyed through life. Can you spot it in the painting?
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